Kim Schmitz, who became known as Kim Dotcom after releasing a content and file hosting service, admitted the return of Megaupload to the asset. The housing site should be working again in 2017, announced on Twitter the controversial businessman.
According to Reuters , Schmitz announced its intention to rehabilitate most of the accounts of 150 million users Megaupload once had before the address closed five years ago due to a court order from the FBI, which demanded the extradition of housed businessman in New Zealand for supporting the spread of pirated content.
to restore the luster of yesteryear (Megaupload became the 13th most visited site across the Internet), the hosting site must provide accounts with premium users privileges. This return contains yet another novelty:. The different transactions should be made in bitcoins
Kim Schmitz is currently fighting in New Zealand courts trying to avoid extradition required by the US authorities. The investigation triggered by the FBI and carried out by the police in New Zealand eventually lead to the closure of the address. According to the FBI, in 2010 Kim Dotcom profited over $ 115,000 a day with the commercial exploitation of Megaupload. The film industry and music estimates that the activity of this accommodation address will have generated losses of $ 500 million.
“I will be the first millionaire of the technologies that was charged, lost everything and created another technology company thousands of millions of dollars while on probation, “promised Kim Schmitz on Twitter.
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