Monday, July 11, 2016

Kim Dotcom Megaupload plans to bring back – Bitmag

Kim Dotcom used his Twitter account to announce that it will bring the storage site files back, putting up a date in the promise. “Megaupload will return to January 20, 2017, the fifth anniversary of the attack,” wrote the German, referring to police searches at the request of the FBI that led to the compulsory closure of the site, the arrest of Dotcom and three others and the freezing of their assets.

“it will be better than the original and will seem to you family,” he added.

Megaupload was closed in 2012 and Dotcom accused of providing a platform that has enabled millions of users pirating content such as movies and music, profiting from this illegal. US officials, who asked for his extradition from New Zealand claim that Dotcom site cost the music industry and film more than 500 million dollars in losses; at the same time, it generated 175 million dollars to the founder, since many users paying for access to the “locker” digital.

The defense of the entrepreneur is that the site only provided storage space and had no responsibility for the legality of users there put (many used the portal for legitimate purposes, saving college jobs or own photographs).

When he was arrested, ran world pictures Kim Dotcom with shotguns, private planes and gold. Your ostentatious lifestyle caused controversy, and the FBI estimates that in 2010 was more than $ 115,000 a day.

“I will be the multi-millionaire first to be charged, lose everything and create another million dollar technology company while I’m on probation, “he said on Twitter.


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