Tuesday, June 28, 2016

private hospital creates 200 jobs in Viseu – Correio da Manhã

                       Photo Nuno André Ferreira

Health Unit yesterday opened in Viseu and wants to assert itself as a private referral hospital

28/06/2016 08:55

private Hospital creates 200 jobs in Viseu

Disseminated latest technology to provide excellent service to users.

             By James Virgilio Pereira

It began yesterday running the private Hospital CUF Viseu, next to the largest center commercial city, which will create over 200 jobs in the region. Of these, 172 are direct – 100 doctors and 72 administrative employees, technicians, assistants and nurses. The remaining will result from contracts for services.

Yesterday, they were given some more visible touches outside the health unit, which will be officially inaugurated in October. According found the CM , the private hospital with six floors and an area of ​​20 thousand square meters, cost about 30 million euros and will serve the districts of Viseu, Guarda and Vila Real.

According to the administration, “the goal is to make it a reference and it will feature the most advanced technology for its users, who will have a wide offer of 35 medical specialties and surgical “.

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