Debt Interest? Veto of the President? To these questions there was no answer. Already on amendments to the Public Manager Statute, which was adopted at the Council meeting of thematic and extraordinary ministers on environment, held Wednesday in Arrabida, Minister of the Presidency and Administrative Modernisation, Maria Manel Leitão Marques, just stated which will be explained by Finance Minister Mario Centeno.
the Council of Ministers had been on Environment and the press conference was given by the Minister accompanied by the Minister of Environment, John Matos Fernandes, only revolved around the themes and the diplomas that met this governance sector. And it was not one or two measures that were announced in the legislative package that came out of Arrábida.
Beginning with the news that will be primarily used the program of EUR 200 million for energy efficiency of public administration to remove the short term of more than 2,000 public buildings asbestos, having admitted minister that the main user of this program will be the Ministry of Education to remove the asbestos that remains in public schools.
As the pUBLIC reported, it approved the creation of a single fund to optimize the use of resources by merging four previous funds: the Portuguese Carbon Fund, Environmental Intervention Fund, Water resources Protection Fund and the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Fund. It was also created the National Fund for Rehabilitation of Built intended to market housing units, which should happen, according to the minister, from 2017.
Another innovation announced by Matos Fernandes is the “expansion of public charging network for electric vehicles by establishing the 1st and 2nd phases of the Pilot network MOBI.E. In the transport sector the Government also approved “the specific rules applicable to the public service of flexible passenger transport”.
The legislative package on environment aims to “decarbonise society”, “make the economy circular “and enhance the territory.” So there are measures that relate to pollution highlight the parliamentary ratification early next legislative session of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
In the field of economy highlight is the National Strategy for Shopping Green public in 2020, which aims to “promote the reduction of pollution and consumption of natural resources.” In this respect, it is recalled that on 19 May, when he presented the Simplex 2016, the Prime Minister announced that the year 2017 would be the year “zero paper” in public administration, a measure that was then already justified on environmental concerns.
in the land domain was revised the system of protection of the Iberian wolf, a National Water Plan, the organizational structure of the Portuguese Environment Agency, which will act as National Coastal and Coastal protection Authority. Announced was also a “system of protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration.”
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