Sunday, July 10, 2016

Government reserves 2.6 million for energy efficiency projects – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The Government opened two applications to fund, with EUR 2.6 million, projects that promote energy efficiency in state buildings and the residential and services sector, today announced the Ministry of Economy.

In a statement, the tutelage explains which applications were launched through the Energy Efficiency Fund (ESF) and will be open until 8 November.

The ministry reserved for private sector support of 1.1 million euros, while the reduction of energy consumption in the built state receives 1.5 million euros, of which one million is intended the local government / municipalities.

To contribute to the reduction of public spending, reducing energy consumption in buildings belonging to the state is the object. “Note 21 – Efficient Public Administration 2016″

The goal of this initiative is “to achieve an energy efficiency level of 30% in the agencies and departments of government by 2020,” the ministry said.

The Ministry of Economy states that it is intended “to encourage the rational use of energy, in line with targets set in the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE).”

Through application to this notice may be funded “investments aimed at implementation in buildings occupied by public authorities, solutions that promote the improvement of energy performance.”

this can be done “by replacing the existing equipment with more efficient or by implementing control devices which optimize the conditions of energy use and consumption. “

together, the measures must have” a simple payback period of less than eight years”.

The project financing takes the form of non-repayable grant and reimbursement for application is 80% of eligible expenditure, “up to a maximum of 80,000 euros.”

As for the “Warning 20 – Efficient Buildings 2016,” intended to support “energy efficiency measures that lead to improved energy performance of residential buildings and sector services”

at issue are the measures inserted in the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency “in terms of thermal solar installation efficient windows, upgrading of thermal insulation and efficient lighting,” says the ministry.

The intention is to “optimize the use of solutions and power consumption in a sector that accounts for about 30% of total energy consumption in Portugal.”

The financing of projects also takes the form of non-repayable aid, with a budget of 1.1 million euros.


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