Saturday, July 2, 2016

Google Chrome will view any website in virtual reality –

Virtual reality is really the future? Many companies are investing heavily in this idea. Apparently Google is preparing its Internet browser, Chrome, to transform the whole Internet in virtual reality content. The news has just debut with the new beta and dev browser, including browsing API WebVR that allows a device to recognize when a site is optimized for this type of content, starting a compatibility mode .


“The Chromium team is working on several features to bring the web to virtual reality. They added recently an experimental flag to enable the browser to the virtual reality, “said Josh Carpenter, Google developer working on WebVR. “This will allow users to browse the Web when they are using Cardboard or viewers compatible with Daydream platform,” he added.


But this is not the only novelty. The API WebVR is accompanied by another technology, the VR Shell . This novelty creates an environment in which all sites enter a compatibility mode that can be viewed in virtual reality mode, even if they have not been built in WebVR. The current code of Chrome in the beta channel and dev already refers to the VR Shell, but the novelty is not yet fully functional.

The API WebVR is also present in Firefox builds nightly builds, but with the Chrome technology can count on a massive presence, which should definitely attract the attention of developers. there is a date when we can see the news coming still in the stable version of the browser, but it is expected for public release later this year.


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