Friday, July 1, 2016

DVD player is found in Tesla’s car after fatal accident –

A DVD player was found in the car Tesla involved in the accident that killed his driver in the United States. The case also drew more attention because the vehicle, an electric Model S, was in “Autopilot”, a kind of autopilot. It was the first collision with death in a car with this technology.

The Tesla says that apparently the sensors of the vehicle, which guide this driving mode, apparently did not detect that a truck made a turn for the left front of the car.

the driver of the Model S, Joshua Brown, who was alone, was killed instantly. The driver of the other vehicle, a tractor-trailer, was not hurt.

According to the lawyer of the truck driver, Paul Weekley, he reported that he saw the DVD player of the Tesla Model S on passing a movie ” Harry Potter. “

what is the ‘Autopilot’
in this system, the car takes control under certain limits and rules, such as that the driver must keep hands on the vehicle, to resume control at any time, if necessary.

This technology semiautonomous call would be a previous step to the full autonomy, which is when the car will have complete control throughout the journey, eliminating the driver’s attention. fully autonomous cars exist only in testing but are not sold anywhere in the world.

According to Tesla, the “Autopilot” is still in testing and drivers are warned of this. Brown was described as a brand enthusiast.

Victim made video on system
Joshua Brown’s death took place in early May in Florida, but was only reported last Thursday (30), after Tesla disclose a note revealing that the case is being investigated by the US government.

One month before the fatal accident, Brown posted a video on YouTube (watch here ) in which he said that the “Autopilot” saved him hit another truck that tried to take the same track where his car was.

He recorded the time when the vehicle is approaching from the left and Tesla suddenly deflected to the side, avoiding collision.

the fame of Tesla
Despite being a small and relatively new US car maker, cradle of great automakers such as General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, Tesla gained fame quickly. First, by making only electric cars.

The debut was with the Model S, promoted as the first electric sports in the world. Then last year came the SUV Model X. Last March, the company launched what he called being cheaper car, the Model 3. And also said it will sell the car in Brazil.

Your chief executive is Elon Musk, one of Paypal founders and constant presence in social networks, especially on Twitter, where collects catchphrases like “This is my lesson to take a vacation: holiday will kill you,” posted after had malaria for a leisure trip.

Musk is inspired by Apple, Steve Jobs, in its relationship with customers. Dispenses large utilities: the stores do not have many cars on display, but offer “classes” on the cars and electric technology, for anyone interested

Barrada in certain states .
the company does not work with resellers: requests are made directly on the brand site. Because of this, Tesla is prohibited to sell cars in some US regions have laws that require hiring dealers.

One is Michigan, where are the major manufacturers of the country, mainly around the city ​​of Detroit. Last January, Tesla boycotted the Detroit Motor Show, the most important in the US, because of this barrier.


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