Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Suffers severe burns while trying to steal copper – Morning Post

38 Man was stick a EDP cable in Alcobaça.

A man suffered Tuesday severe burns by electrocution in about 40% of the body, informed GNR, adding suspect was trying to stick an electric cable in Blacksmithing, in the parish of Pataias in Alcobaça municipality.

“The indication we have is that the man would already be in place from 06.00 and have been electrocuted by around 08:00 when he was on top of the pole [EDP] and was electrocuted while trying to cut the cable, “said Lusa source of the GNR of Leiria.

The man, 38, is resident in Pataias zone and “was already referenced” by GNR, suspecting that the authorities may be “repeat this type of crime” still being indicted for possession and drug trafficking crimes. “

Burns 1 and 2 degree
man was found by firefighters Pataias “beside a wall of EDP pole next to” burns ” of first and second degree on the face, trunk, and upper and lower limbs, “said Mikael Pereira, the corporation Command deputy.

The man was assisted on site by the team of VMER (Emergency Medical Car and Reanimation ) of Leiria Hospital, where the victim was transported in “serious condition”. According to the GNR burns “extend to 40% of the human body” that by late morning, was transferred to the Hospital of Coimbra.

The alert for firefighters was given at 08h00 and on site were four cars and eight operational Pataias of fire, the VMER and GNR. The case is being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the GNR of Caldas da Rainha.

I suspect identified by the GNR
GNR identified as suspected of theft of copper o man who today suffered severe burns while trying to cut a cable EDP in Pataias, Alcobaça, and seized various materials related to the crime.

The man, 38, was identified “after a telephone complaint by court in cable from the public in the town of Pataias “made the 7:48 a.m. to the local GNR, says a statement sent to newsrooms.

The suspect, who had first and second degree burns, caused by electrocution was transported to the Hospital of Leiria and GNR seized on site “miscellaneous supplies, suspected to be related to the crime attempted,” including rubber gloves, an iron saw, cutting pliers, an x-act, mason gloves , a wrench, a screwdriver and a copper wire meter.

The GNR has produced an official report that was sent to the court.

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