Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Open disciplinary investigation to prosecutors mocked of … – Daily News – Lisbon

The comments made on Facebook by some prosecutors about the arrest of the former prime minister José Sócrates will be the subject of disciplinary proceedings, initiated by the Ministry of the Public Council. The decision was taken last Tuesday, according to the Public. At least three members of the Public Prosecution Council voted against the opening of the investigation, the newspaper said.

The plenary of the Supreme Judicial Council, which also met on Tuesday, also discussed the situation and decided by reiterating a resolution that, in 2008, reminded the judges “that the specific status of judges imposes duties that are limitations” on the public review of judgments, even those that are not involved.

The issue dates back to February, when the lawyer José Sócrates, João Araújo, said in an interview with RTP on judges commented that Socrates’ prison in private groups in Facebook social network . João Araújo accused the judges of being “kids who invaded the courts and being entertained by these nonsense instead of being the dispatch processes.”

The open investigation will determine whether these Facebook publications represent disciplinary infractions. If necessary, disciplinary proceedings will be opened for each of the prosecutors that may be endorsed.

João Araújo in RTP read some of the reviews that were on that Facebook page, including one published on the day of Socrates in prison, that read “There are perfect days. hihihihihi.”


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