Friday, April 3, 2015

Fire in makeshift scrap caused chaos in Privet – Daily News – Lisbon

A fire in a backyard transformed into makeshift scrap caused a fire that destroyed large part two rooms this afternoon in Alfena parish (in Maia) on the outskirts of Porto. The chaos scenario just did not have worse consequences due to the rapid intervention of five fire brigades who fought the flames on site for more than an hour.

“When we got here it was all taken by the flames. If not arrived quickly had burned a number of houses, besides the two that were destroyed with attachments and damaged kitchens. We saved even three dogs and fortunately in no time residents’ lives was at risk, “he told DN Carlos Teixeira, Chief Fireman Ermelo, one of five corporations that were involved in an action that involved 36 men and nine vehicles.

According to the DN was found at the site, the fire in the Alley January 31, instead of Cabeda, in the parish of privet, was caused by a sexagenarian stored on your yard debris and scrap, which has caused discomfort in the neighborhood, which on several occasions has called the GNR to the site to warn of this potentially dangerous situation, as now came to confirmed.

“This man keeps everything in the yard, from plastics to gas cylinders … The own brother, who lives right next to his house, put it in court because of the debris that accumulates in it backyard, “said António Coelho, the neighbor who raised the alarm in the early afternoon, which allowed the rapid intervention of the fire:” I heard a loud bang! It seemed gunpowder and fire quickly spread through the neighborhood. My house was at serious risk as others. If it happened at night, it burned everything. No one would probably faith and we died here charred. “

At the site were also present agents of the Judicial Police who took account of the occurrence so that responsibilities are cleared.


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