Sunday, April 12, 2015

Do you know the origin Google Images? It was this neck of JLo – Saturday Magazine

• 15:14
            | PHOTO: Scott Gries / Getty Images

The ceremony of Grammy Awards in 2000 remained in the memory of many, it was learned now, that was the cause of Google develop a specific tool to search for images on the Internet.

The search for the dress worn by Jennifer Lopez, or rather the attempt to millions of Internet users around the world wish to see, in detail, the generous neckline of the singer, during the ceremony of the Grammys was such that that Google realized that did not have a tool that all users sought: images. this because everyone wanted to see the dress, but not read about it.

JLo Grammys Awards 2000

Now, 15 years after those Grammys, the chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt confesses that this was excessive demand for Diva dress that inspired the company to develop the photo search engine. “People wanted much more than text …”, confesses Schmit. That’s why, Google then decided to invest in a tool that makes photographs of research at the expense of the text. And so Google Images was born.

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